Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Actually Wednesday

Jessika: 137. Terrible tummy aches after lunch and dinner.... I wonder what's wrong. Maybe too much dairy?

-Chicken Salad sandwich on a roll
-half a vanilla milkshake
-1/3 of a banana split with vanilla fudge and chocolate chip ice cream
-bowl and a half of fried rice
-3 oz corn beef
-cabbage and potatoes

Renee went to the Olive Garden with Grandmama and Boothey.

-one bowl of cereal
-1 glass of oj
-1 cup o joe
-1.5 slices of buttered cinnamon raisin bread
-a few pieces of strawberries
-half a pizza(with mush, onion, & olives)
-a bowl of salad
-1.5 breadsticks
-a mini coke
-handful of nibbles (goldfish, fritos, and cheetoes)
-two small belgian waffles with syrup and butter
-coffee with milk and sugar

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