Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oops.. I forgotted to blog!

Today (May 6th), Renee ate:

-approx. 10-15 pieces of pineapple and strawberry
-1 'raw' flax seed pancake with maple syrup (approx 4 in)
-1 piece of 'raw' tiramisu
-baked tostido chips and salsa (maybe 1/2 cup of salsa and 20 chips)
-a big handful of cashews
-5 pieces of chocolate
-a small glass of oj
-a small glass of apple juice
-a plate with salad, ranch dressing, spaghetti, tomato sauce, green beans, and a slice of garlic bread (it all fit on one dinner plate.. so.. about that much?)
-a pint of caramel vanilla soy ice cream (oops!)

Tomorrow I start a super healthy workout routine! (hence my urge for the pint of ice cream...)

Weight in the morning: 123

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